
Mastering Perl: Part One

Mastering Perl: Part One

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Mastering Perl: Part One
In Love, Anything is Possible. For Everything else, there is Perl

By Anders Brownworth

Okay, eveyone. Pay attention. A most intensive, and intensely interesting,
class is about to begin.

Perl may stand for "practical extraction and report language," but trust
us�it definitely is not as boring as that sounds! In fact, Perl has actually
become the de facto standard glue language for UNIX. You might as well get
used to saying, "Oh, that can be done with Perl," because that's usually the
case! About its only downside is its speed or, more accurately, its lack
thereof. Sure, working in Perl can be a tad slow, but for the overwhelming
majority of tasks Perl is used for, it's more than fast enough. In short, it

Of course, the real problem is, "How does one get over the learning curve?"
This, oddly enough, is both Perl's chief strength and its chief weakness. As
you learn the Perl ropes, you'll soon discover that Perl is extremely
concise and features many simple ways to do fairly complicated things. In
other words, it's handy but cryptic. Stick with it, do your homework
diligently, and you'll be as happy as the proverbial clam.

Our own resident Linux stud and this month's professor, Anders Brownworth,
is back again for your reading pleasure, and he's going to take you through
several example scripts to get you up to speed. Make sure you're sitting in
front of your favorite Linux machine, and try each and every one of the
examples he provides. Because Anders won't be able to take you personally in
all the directions you might want to go, you should familiarize yourself
with the Perl interpreter, too.

Now, Let's get started!

Lesson One: Sample scripts

Perl is an interpreted language. This means that you make little text files
and "execute" them by sending them through the Perl interpreter. Break out
your favorite text editor (such as emacs) and create a file called
"" and enter the following program.

(Note: I usually use the extension ".pl" to denote perl scripts, but you can
use whatever you want.)


print "World domination, one line of perl at a time.\n";

Now make that file "executable" and run it by typing its name.

eyore:~> chmod +x
World domination, one line of perl at a time.

(Note: If execution fails with a "command not found," then your default path
may not include the current directory. Execute the program like this:
"./" or check whether Perl lives in /usr/bin/perl or somewhere

When you "run" this script, the shell takes notice that is an
executable text file, so it reads it to process the contents as if they were
shell commands. All modern shells will notice that the file starts with "#!"
so they give up trying to interpret it and launch the named program, sending
the rest of the file to it as input. In our case, they launch /usr/bin/perl
and send our script (all of one line) to it for execution. That's the first
line of

The script is just a simple print statement that just does exactly what you
would expect: It prints whatever you type between the quotes.

Don't forget: Perl statements end in a semicolon ";". Many times, syntax
errors crop up because you didn't put a semicolon somewhere.

Don't forget: What is the "\n" all about? "back n" stands for the special
character "newline," or the same thing as hitting the enter key.

Sniglet: Line endings The standard UNIX line ending is a "newline" character
( \n ), but DOS and Windows terminate lines with the two characters "newline
linefeed" ( \r\n ). This really won't matter to you until you need to start
reading Windows files with your Perl scripts.

Now, students, let's make it a little more interesting. Let's add a


$name = "Anders";
print "Your name is $name?\n";

$name is a variable that we're using to store my name. We could also set
this variable on the fly:

print "What's your name? ";

$name = 

chomp $name;
print "You wouldn't happen to be $name?, would you?\n";

(Note: Chomp is a quick little function that lops off the last character in
a string if it is a newline or whitespace character. Notice the lack of a \n
character in the first print statement. That is done because the user
presses enter after entering their name.)

Or we could store a number in a variable:


$number = 5;
$square = $number * $number;
print "The square of $number is $square\n";

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