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How Computer Criminals Defeat Intrusion Detection Systems by Carolyn Meinel We covered "The ABCs of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs)" in a previous column. Now we get to the really, truly, scary part: how computer criminals defeat IDSs, and how to fight back. The wily attacker may be able to slip undetected into your network via the following techniques: Incomplete IDS coverage Lost or unknown network elements An overwhelmed IDS Excessive false positives (crying "wolf" too many times) Unicode protocols disguising signatures Fragmented packets The 0-day problem Highly switched networks Compromise of the IDS itself An improperly configured IDS The unique challenges of the middleware environment Incomplete IDS Coverage One IDS sitting on top of your connection to the Internet is going to miss internal attacks. It also may not detect attacks against systems it is not designed to defend. You probably will need to use products from more than one vendor, and use both a network IDS (NIDS) and a host-based IDS (HIDS). There also may be portions of attacks that no IDS can monitor, except by observing traffic once it enters the more standard portions of your network. This vulnerability may be a blessing in disguise if it motivates management to modernize your network. In the meantime, any decent IDS in a middleware environment will require products from many vendors. So how do you coordinate the output from these systems? "Let me give you the honest answer," offers Marcus J. Ranum of Network Flight Recorder (NFR). "There's not a lot of cooperation in the security products industry. Most vendors would rather have their customers use only one product than support gateways between two products. "Right now," he continues, "most IDS users that have several systems make them all e-mail their alerts to one place, and then they process the alerts together. There is a market evolving for systems to do alert correlation. I predict that market will grow rapidly soon. NFR's actually looking to break that model with some very unique stuff. I can't talk about it, sorry, but pay attention around April." The NIDS is expected to soon include the ability to aggregate input from Netranger, RealSecure and Firewall-1. And according to the hacker known as Talisker on the Web site: "The fact that they are from differing vendors is immaterial; they have such different roles. From experience, I don't like HIDS [hybrid IDS] and NIDS output on the same console, the only exception being possibly router output with the NIDS. There is very little correlation between the two--98 percent of the HIDS traffic is by trusted internal users doing things they shouldn't. NIDS output is cluttered with false positives, but when you get a real bite, it's usually a good one." Lost or Unknown Network Elements You can't fully protect what you don't know exists. Large, complex systems often change every day, sometimes in unexpected ways. One company recently discovered that modem abuse was consuming the equivalent of several T3s of bandwidth on its PBX. It discovered employees sneaking in external modems to evade firewall bans on Napster, porn, stock trading and sports sites. (To learn more about the hazards of modems, see "It's 2 a.m.: Do You Know Where Your Modems Are?" Computer criminals also look for orphan computers. A busy sysadmin (and most are always too busy) may set up a test server and then leave it on the wire. Once forgotten, it doesn't receive critical security updates. To make sure your IDS covers everything, regularly scan your network for computers and modems. Many commercial security scanners will give you a decent--but not always perfect--view of your network. Be wary of free network scanners such as nmap, which has been known to crash servers. Their identification of operating systems is hit-and-miss. Modem scanning is exceptionally difficult because many users only attach modems briefly during work hours. An Overwhelmed IDS The best IDS architecture won't do much good if it can't keep up with the load. Vendors argue about how much one another's products can handle. Says Ron Gula, president of Network Security Wizards: "Solutions like Dragon Sensor [200 Mb/s] and hardware load balancing, like those switches from Toplayer, can get customers into the 1Gb range today. We're planning to hit 500 Mb/s by the end of this year? This experience comes from actual paying customers who deploy Dragon on live networks and not artificial laboratory testing." It is safe to assume that if your IDS sensor must sift through more than half a gigabit per second, it is missing much of what comes through. For this level of throughput, you need to place IDS sensors on network segments with lower throughput and aggregate their output. For example, BlackIce Sentry--Multisegment can simultaneously monitor up to four 100-megabit lines at once, providing protection for high-speed, switched environments and making it one of the highest-capacity IDSs on the market. If you have gigabit Ethernet to the desktop, today you may in big trouble--unless those high-speed segments are running well below capacity. And heaven help you if you bought the propaganda and have ATM over fiber to the desktop. Says Talisker, "This is where the hybrid solution or even personal firewalls come into their own." A personal firewall will just look at packets addressed to the computer on which it is installed. Excessive False Positives Even if you have invested in placing enough IDS sensors on sufficiently low throughput network segments, an attacker may be able to run the CPU utilization of your IDS console to 100 percent and overfill disk space. Says John Flowers, chief scientist of Hiverworld, "Many NIDSs today are referred to as "network false-positive recorders." The problem with false positives (attacks that pose no threat to your network) is that a determined attacker can flood an IDS with meaningless signatures, running CPU usage to 100 percent. While the IDS is thus overloaded with what the sysadmin assumes is a slumber party of 13-year-old "haxors," a successful attack can slip through. A common trick is to use nmap from a few dozen tiny Linux machines scattered across the Internet to scan your network. It has some truly obnoxious options (recall the "Christmas tree" option) that hog IDS console CPUs. If you run a Web server, an attacker can set up a script to send it high-volume junk attacks full of strings such as //../bin/sh/ and so on. These attacks can be automated in an apparently legal manner. For example, in 1999 several hackers with high-traffic Web sites agreed to entice their users to click on links such as the following: this_is_friendly_greetings_from_ATTRITION.ORG/../giving_you _the_link_you_deserve/../ ../pass_us_some_hacker_profiler_$DATA_please/../and_have_a _nice_day/../how_do_you_like_them_apples_mr_vranesevich?/ ../and_it_always_amazes_us_that_the_href_buffer_is_so_big_ because_only_monkey_sites_use_urls_this_long/../phf_php_ search_dig_campus_faxsurvey_wguest_guestbook_anyform_cgitap _query_cgiwrap_glimpse_lasso_dbadmin_nph-test-cgi_www-sql_ count.cgi_man.sh_info2www_Web.sql_and_textcounter.pl_are_all _vulnerable_cgi_programs_you_should_be_searching_for/../imagine_ each_click_through_adding_a_full_1k_to_your_logs_this_would_ make_a_fun_Web_harassment_program (snip) ... (the link went on and on) The ways to overwhelm a NIDS are legion. "Two thoughts here," says Network Security Wizards' Gula. "If someone has layer 2 access (they can plug into the hub), then it is 'game over.' They can simulate as many false attacks as they want to, possibly crashing the NIDS when the hard drive fills up. The question is, if all these attacks are occurring, can the NIDS handle it? The other thought is more along the lines of a single packet DOS attack. Certain types of packets may take more CPU horsepower to process. Choosing these attacks may cause unexpected performance issues with any NIDS." A solution to this problem is to configure your IDS to discard bogus attacks without discarding data you really need. If under nmap assault, for example, disable reporting of these scans and then reenable reporting later. Or, if too many failed logins are overwhelming the IDS, set it to not report failed logins. The problem with this solution, however, is that the more logins an attacker tries, the more likely he or she is to finally stumble on one that works. A danger of being too enthusiastic in eliminating this reporting is that a storm of bogus attacks may be a warning of serious attacks under way elsewhere on your network. The solution? Make sure you have someone on your staff with a deep understanding of computer security. This person should exercise judgment and have the skills to quickly reconfigure your IDS systems to deal with crises. "We do a lot to reduce false positives in our system," says NFR's Ranum. "Unlike traditional systems that just match a simple string pattern, our NIDS does full-session state monitoring of applications so it's not just a matter of telneting to port 23 and typing 'root' if you want to generate an alarm." Another solution is to use a target-based IDS (TIDS). Says Hiverworld's Flowers: "The most notable difference between our TIDS and normal NIDS is that we can maintain a detailed network picture of the customer network, including host operating systems and vulnerabilities. Next, we use this information to our advantage by not processing any packets that are destined to a host that either (a) doesn't exist or (b) doesn't have any open ports." Unfortunately, Hiverworld's product is not yet on the market. Others warn that some attackers use an "everything but the kitchen sink" approach, blindly throwing one attack after another at the victim network. This resembles the theory that enough monkeys on enough typewriters will eventually write a Shakespearean sonnet. This attack philosophy may succeed--given enough time. By discarding "irrelevant" data, TIDS may throw away an early warning of a concerted attack. "You may even want to have both systems [target-based and a standard network IDS] for various reasons," Flowers says. Will these measures entirely solve the problem of false positives? "The fact is that someone who understands the sensor's logic will always be able to generate a fake attack that might raise a false positive," Ranum says. Unicode Protocols Disguising Signatures Many IDSs miss attacks simply because they were coded slightly differently than the signatures in their databases. A root cause of this is the Unicode problem, which Bruce Schneier explains in the July 15, 2000, issue of his Crypto-Gram newsletter: "Unicode is an international character set. Like ASCII, it provides a standard correspondence between the binary numbers that computers understand and the letters, digits and punctuation that people understand. But, unlike ASCII, it seeks to provide a code for every character in every language in the world. To do this requires more than 256 characters, the 8-bit ASCII character set; default Unicode uses 16-bit characters, and there are rules to extend even that." Schneier sees ways to exploit Unicode to evade an IDS: Start attaching semantics to the new characters as delimiters, white space, etc. With thousands of existing characters and new characters being added all the time, it will be extremely difficult to categorize all the possible characters consistently. And where there is inconsistency, there tend to be security holes. Somebody uses "modifier" characters in an unexpected way. Somebody uses UTF-8 or UTF-16 to encode a conventional character in a novel way to bypass validation checks. A major hazard of Unicode is to Web servers. Many attacks on Web servers consist of simply inputting a URL into the location window of a browser (or, directly and with more power to insert malicious code, via a telnet connection to port 80 and the GET command). By using one of the several possible Unicode variations of these many attacks, it may evade both a firewall and an IDS. Some Web servers either do not implement Unicode or allow it to be turned off. The Microsoft IIS server, however, currently has no way to disable Unicode. "Eric Hacker," writing for Security Focus, offers a couple of solutions to this problem: Don't use IIS Web servers until Microsoft allows Unicode to be disabled, and use a host-based IDS that watches the internal logs rather than merely observing incoming packets. True, use of a host-based IDS is in some cases like alerting you after the barn door is open and the horse has gone gallivanting. But at least you'll know about the barn door. Fragmented Packets If you are up against the A-Team, they may try to hide attacks by sending them in fragmented and/or out-of-order packets that an element of your network may obligingly reassemble once past your IDS. It doesn't matter if your IDS handles fragmented packets if you give up when traffic is out of order. "Of course this is not a problem for our [Dragon] host-based IDS product," says Gula. "And as far as I am aware of, all commercial NIDSs will correctly reconstruct fragmented traffic. The issue is, if traffic is maliciously fragmented, then can the NIDS make sense out of it? The other question is, will the NIDS tell someone that malicious/suspicious fragments have been sent on the network?" Says Mark Teicher of Network Ice: "Actually, one thing that can confuse most IDS systems, especially during the BackTrace (or Source IP resolution), is using scripts like targa. Targa is a multiplatform DoS attack which integrates bonk, jolt, land, nestea, netear, syndrop, teardrop and winnuke all into one exploit. It allows the user to generate IP-based attacks with the various options: invalid fragmentation, invalid protocols, invalid packet sizes, invalid header values, invalid options, tcp offsetsinvalid top segments, routing flags, etc." The 0-Day Problem Until an attack has been publicly revealed, it is known in hacker slang as a "0-day" exploit and might not be detected by your IDS. "No problem in some cases, big problem in others," says Gula. "For example, almost any buffer overflow can be detected with FTP, SMTP or HTTP by simply looking for non-ASCII traffic traveling to those ports. Unfortunately, these events still require a smart person to analyze." Highly Switched Networks Switched networks are the latest and greatest way to defeat bad actors inside your LAN. Some networks are so highly switched that each computer, even if running a promiscuous network interface, will only see packets addressed to it. The upside is that if an intruder should get inside your network, he or she will not be able to sniff anything worthwhile. The downside is that in this environment, a network IDS will reveal little. The solution? "There is much talk of NIDS failing in a switched environment," says Talisker. "I disagree with this? By delegating NIDS down to the end host, many of the problems higher in the network architecture are covered. The USAF has just bought 500,000 copies of Tiny Personal Firewall for this purpose." "Many switched allow port mirroring or link mode, which will mirror the data from all ports to a single port where the NIDS will be," he says. However, mirror ports do not work well for full-duplex connections--one of the primary uses of fast Ethernet links. Talisker points to Shomiti taps as a solution to the port-mirroring problem. Says Gula: "Host-based IDS works here real well. So does firewall correlation... We have not seen a 'highly switched network' we could not monitor." Compromise of the IDS Itself Who watches the watchmen? Who detects a criminal who has seized control of the IDS itself? "Tough problem," Gula says. "All NIDSs can use a 'stealth' interface, but many folks don't deploy them that way. With an IP stack, many NIDSs also have remote management ports. We don't have those with Dragon, but we do use SSH (and encrypted connection) to establish a remote TCP session." The NIDS uses a connection between its sensors and console that doesn't even use MAC addresses. Unless an attacker is extremely good at compromising another host on the wire and reconfiguring its NIC, an attacker won't even see this NIDS. "With our sensors," says NFR's Ranum, "they can operate in software stealth mode, in which they are invisible on the network through software means (patch out the parts of the IP stack that talk out that interface), or hardware mode, in which a special cable with a clipped transmit lead is used. Obviously, if you're invisible on the network, you have to have a duplicate interface on an alternate network for out-of-band management." How does he keep attackers from disabling the consoles used to evaluate the sensor data? "All communications into our NID require a valid encryption key or they're discarded," Ranum says. "So spoofing traffic will just result in the NID throwing the traffic away. Since we're using secret key, not public key on the encryption, you can't do a PKI resource exhaustion attack (PK uses too much CPU). For our consoles, we recommend that the user have some kind of personal firewall installed on the console (for example, ZoneAlarm or whatever)." An Improperly Configured IDS No matter how good your IDS, it won't help you if it's not configured properly. Flowers, speaking at Def Con 8 last July in Las Vegas, recalls: "A client installed a leading IDS, put in 10 sensors with load balancing? About 2 days after, it was sending 3,000 pages per minute. After 48 to 72 hours, they shut it down. They got $16K for 3 days' pager bill. I didn't realize they had systems that tested the pager infrastructure." It's important to decide what kind of attacks are important enough to immediately alert the responsible sysadmin. According to Flowers, it should take several weeks of concerted effort to configure a new IDS so that it only pages the sysadmin at 2 a.m. for a darn good reason. The Unique Challenges of the Middleware Environment For a middleware environment, Gula says, "custom signatures for both network and log analysis are the answer here. Many times these protocols have clear text in them and have excellent logging for debugging purposes. HIDS can read those logs fairly easy. Using a NIDS like Dragon or NFR to read the clear text stuff can work too, but some analysis is needed upfront by security folks. Ranum warns about using public key encryption to guard your transactions: "Public key crypto is great stuff but is very CPU-intensive because it does a lot of operations on large numbers. One nasty trick you can play on PKI-based systems is to get them to bog themselves down signing lots of stuff or checking signatures. Most designers of crypto protocols are careful to design around this kind of attack, but there are some cases when it's unavoidable (for example, e-commerce) because public key is so ingrained in the system." Gula advocates a system solution to IDS weaknesses on the sorts of complex networks you must manage. "With the proper firewall rules and configuration of the NID, it gets much more difficult," he says. "Adding in host-based IDS, a honeypot and some firewall correlation raises the bar even more." "There are many more efficient ways to detect port scans," he continues. "Things like virtual honeypots, looking for odd TCP flag combinations and looking for unique ICMP messages (port unreachable and admin prohibited filters) can identify all sorts of fast, slow and random network scans, even from many multiple IP addresses." And Talisker adds: "It may be worth mentioning using an IDS to reconfigure routers and firewalls to shun attackers, though I would only include it if you can explain the risks of spoofed IP addresses. I have used one product that will only shun for certain attacks at certain times and never shun certain addresses--which reduces the risk significantly. And it may be worth mentioning that honeypots can alarm when interfered with and that as long as they are within your borders, they cannot be accused of entrapment (IMHO)." How to Test Your IDS Following are some Web sites that will help you test your IDS: You can test your IDS against targa by obtaining programs from Robert Graham, CTO of Network Ice, has developed a tool to test IDSs: "Sidestep" ( For many other exploit programs that will enable you to test your IDS, source code is available from the Packetstorm site ( A less intensive but more user-friendly testing technique is nidsbench, a network intrusion detection system test suite available from Nessus ( is also well regarded as an automated testing program for firewalls and IDS. One stumbling block to testing hacker exploits is that they often are hard to compile and run. Tech support and documentation is typically nonexistent--nmap is a welcome exception. Your best bet is to compile them on a Linux server. Debian ( is reputed to be the most compatible with the most exploits. SuSE Linux ( is also excellent and easier to install. Help on how to install and run hacker exploits can also be found in this author's book �berhacker! Conclusion So how do you keep criminals from defeating your intrusion detection systems? "Automate understanding your network and its changes with technology, not people," says Flowers. "The ultimate IDS also determines the vulnerability of the target." He says Hiverworld will be ready to ship its "True 100 IDS" as part of its IP 360 security service before the end of the first quarter of this year. Ranum, writing in the Computer Security Journal, Vol. XIV #4, agrees. "The ultimate IDS would not only identify an attack, it would assess the target's vulnerability. If the target is vulnerable, it would notify the administrator. And if the vulnerability has a known fix, it would include directions for applying the fix. This would require huge, detailed knowledge." Keep an eye out for his newest product, due to be unveiled around April. How close will it approach his ideal? Unfortunately, the ultimate IDS as described by Flowers and Ranum isn't on the market today. For now, keeping criminals out of your network will continue to be a duel between them and your sysadmins and security people. Back to the Index