


Sorted By Creation Time



useradd -d /export/home/jlewis -m -c "Jason Lewis" -s /bin/ksh jlewis

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Scripts@kill with grep



# Stop proftpd by killing the process 
echo "Shuting down proftpd"

kill -TERM `ps -ef | grep proftpd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`

echo "Proftpd shutdown"

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start script


case "$1" in                                       
        echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"          
        exit 1                                     
exit 0

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HTML script

Contact: put a HTML wrapper around a text 
#change a text file to html
$first = 1;
print <html>;
print "\<head\>\n";
while ($line = <>) {
	if ($first) {
		$first = 0;
		print "\<title\>$line\</title\>\n";
		print "\</head\>\n";
		print "\<body\>\n";
		$line =~ s!(.*)!\<h1\>\1\</h1\>!;
		print $line;
	else {
		# next 3 lines presume there isn't any html markup already 
		# in the file
		$line =~ s/&/&/g;
		$line =~ s/\</</g;
		$line =~ s/\>/>/g;
		# blank line = new paragraph
		$line =~ s/^$/\<p\>/;
		print $line;
print "\</body\>\n";
print "\</html\>\n"; strip HTML markup from a text 
#strip html tags
while (<>) {
    $_ =~ s/<[^>]*>//g;

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AWK Search and replace


GLOBAL REPLACE in the files:
 awk '{gsub("call", "mall", $0); print > FILENAME}' *.kumac
 change call to mall in all *.kumac files 

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Replace http:// with hyperlink


grep for http://

store result as $arg

append <a href="http://$arg">Link</a> to end of doc

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Perl Search and Replace


# Kevin Kadow ([email protected]) <A&NBSP;HREF="HTTP: ? kadow
# Can be downloaded from <A&NBSP;HREF="HTTP: search.html? small
# For 1stomni, free for all to use as long as the comments are kept intact!
# Search and replace strings in html files
require '';

# Change these variables as needed.



warn <<"EOF";
Starting search/replace script $0
  Search all files below $dir
  Looking for string $search
  Replace the string with $replace


# Do the actual work
warn "Scanned $files making $changes changes.\n";

################ SUBROUTINES FOLLOW #################################

# This routine is called by 'find', once for each file, directory, etc.
sub wanted {

#Skip everything except files named .html or .shtml
return unless( -f $_ && m/\.[s]*html$/);


# Do the search-and-replace on a given file
sub update {


# Open the file for reading and writing (the + does that)
unless(open(FILE,"+<$file")) {
	warn "Cannot open $file for updating, Error: $!\n";

warn "Updating $file\n";

# Read the contents into an array, replacing the string as we go
while ($_=) {
	$changes += s/$search/$replace/ig;

# Go to the beginning of the file

# Update the contents with the data from our array
print FILE (@contents);


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Top output


#!/usr/bin/ksh -v

#/usr/local/bin/top -n | mailx -s "top output from `hostname`"
[email protected]
#/usr/bin/df -k | mailx -s "df output from `hostname`"
[email protected]
#/bin/netstat -an | mailx -s "netstat output from `hostname`"
[email protected]
echo Established > /tmp/junk.gcd
netstat -an | grep -i estab | wc -l >> /tmp/junk.gcd
echo Wait >> /tmp/junk.gcd
netstat -an | grep -i wait | wc -l >> /tmp/junk.gcd
echo Idle >> /tmp/junk.gcd
netstat -an | grep -i idle | wc -l >> /tmp/junk.gcd
df -k >> /tmp/junk.gcd
/usr/local/bin/top -n >> /tmp/junk.gcd
/bin/netstat -an >> /tmp/junk.gcd
mailx -s "Output from `hostname`" [email protected] < /tmp/junk.gcd

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Execute external prog with perl


 how i can execute a perl script.

 I try some commands like:

 exec(" logfile.log 12-10-2000 13-10-2000 >>log.html");

 I try the same with system and the other two commands - but no change -
 Have somebody any Idea ???


Is the '' script executable and readable by the webserver?
Do you specify the correct path as well?
Try executing '/usr/bin/perl ........' if that works.
Is your perl interpreter path properly configured in your perl script?

exec -- Execute an external program

string exec (string command [, string array [, int return_var]])

exec() executes the given command, however it does not output anything. It
simply returns the last line from the result of the command. If you need to
execute a command and have all the data from the command passed directly
back without any interference, use the PassThru() function.

If the array argument is present, then the specified array will be filled
with every line of output from the command. Note that if the array already
contains some elements, exec() will append to the end of the array. If you
do not want the function to append elements, call unset() on the array
before passing it to exec().

If the return_var argument is present along with the array argument, then
the return status of the executed command will be written to this variable.

Note that if you are going to allow data coming from user input to be passed
to this function, then you should be using EscapeShellCmd() to make sure
that users cannot trick the system into executing arbitrary commands.

Note also that if you start a program using this function and want to leave
it running in the background, you have to make sure that the output of that
program is redirected to a file or some other output stream or else PHP will
hang until the execution of the program ends.

See also system(), PassThru(), popen(), EscapeShellCmd(), and the backtick



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Apache log import into MySQL


You might want to check out:
Has some info about directly importing apache logs into a mysql database.

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